In early childhood centers, directors acquire the enrollment while teachers maintain it. It takes both groups doing their part for a successful center to prevail. Therefore, a conscious effort to encourage the relationships required to support the dynamics of acquiring and maintaining enrollment must be a priority. Anything that threatens a director’s ability to provide a safe, quality environment or a teacher’s ability to deliver a nurturing, developmentally appropriate education to young children must be addressed. While not always easy, addressing these challenges promotes the change needed to make a quality early childhood center succeed.
Directors/administrators are scrambling to find more training topics and more speakers to present to their staff. Unfortunately, more hours does not automatically mean more professional development has occurred. In fact, most often, just the opposite is happening. Early Childhood Professionals are being exposed to an even wider variety of information without a focus on in-depth implementation. In order to provide High Impact Professional Development, there needs to be a drastic shift in the way we view training. We need to move from the simple transmission of information (sometimes lots of information) to deliberate practice and focus. This session will help directors/administrators understand how to provide High Impact Professional Development to their staff.
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